Saturday 10 December 2016


Question Bank Cycle Test – 3 (2016-17)

Std: VII

Subject: English

I.               Read the following passage carefully.

When the first Congress met in 1789, there were 59 representatives in the

House of Representatives. As the number of states increased and as the population grew, the number of representatives increased significantly. A law passed in 1911 fixed the size of the House of Representatives at 435 members. Members of the House are up for re-election every two years. The number of persons representing each state depends upon its population as reported in the Nation's decennial census counts. Each state is divided into congressional districts accordingly. There is a representative for every congressional district and every state has at least one congressional district. In order to be elected to the House of Representatives one must be at least 25 years old by the time one takes the oath of office, a citizen of the U.S. for at least seven years, and a resident of the state from which one is elected. These qualifications were established in Article I, Section 2 of the Constitution.
Most states have primary elections to decide which candidates will be on the November general election ballot. Some state parties hold conventions in conjunction with the primary. If a candidate is unopposed, there may not be a primary election. Those who represent a major political party are automatically placed on a state's primary ballot. Minor party candidates are chosen by their party's rules while independent candidates nominate themselves. Independent candidates and those representing minor parties must meet various state requirements to be placed on the general election ballot. An example of this would be to submit a petition with signatures from a certain number of registered voters.
Now answer the following questions.

1.      Why did the number of representatives increase?

2.      What did the law passed in 1911 do?

3.      Why do the states have primary elections?

4.      What criteria should one fit to get into the House of Representatives?

5.      How are Minor party and independent candidates nominated?

II.               Read the following passage carefully.

Prevented from indulging in normal activities, we become more observant of nature’s ways. We also watch the various animals and insects that come our way.

As I grew more observant, I noticed all manner of insects living in my cell and in the little yard outside. I realized that while I complained of loneliness, that yard, which seemed empty and deserted, was teeming with life. All these creeping, crawling or flying insects lived their life without interfering with me in any way, and I saw no reason why I should interfere with them. But there was continuous war between me and bed-bugs, mosquitoes and to some extent flies. Wasps and hornets I tolerated, and there were hundreds of them in my cell.

There had been a little tiff between us when, accidently I think, a wasp had stung me. In my anger, I tried to kill the lot, but they put up a brave fight in defence of their temporary home, which probably contained their eggs, and I decided to leave them in peace if they did not interfere with me anymore.

Bats I did not like, but I had to endure them. They flew soundlessly in the evening dusk and no one could just see them against the darkened sky. They seemed to pass within an inch of one’s face so I was always afraid that they might hit me.

Answer the following questions:

1.      Describe the tiff the narrator had with the wasps?

2.      Why didn’t the narrator like the bats?

Find meanings of the words given below with the help of the options that follow.

1.   observant

(i)     playful

(ii)   watchful (iii)helpful (iv)grateful

2.   teeming

(i)     wonderful

(ii)   forming a team (iii)be full of (iv)empty

3.   endure

(i)     suffer patiently

(ii)   absorb (iii)stay with (iv)speak about

III.              Writing:

1.         You are a resident of a small town near Agra. Your town has been facing frequent power cuts in the last few weeks. It has affected people in many ways. Write a letter to the Editor of a daily newspaper, complaining about frequent load-shedding in your town.
2.         You work for a telephone company. You are in charge of the collection of bill payments from the users of your telephone network. Write an E-mail to a customer for overdue payment.
3.         Write an article about social media. Mention its advantages and disadvantages.
4.         Describe a science exhibition that you visited in your friend’s school.

5.         Write a conversation between a teacher and a student who comes late.

IV.           Grammar:

1.         Choose the correct non-finite verb:

a.        Nancy _____________ her homework every day.

(i)     do

(ii)   does



b.        Nancy is __________ her homework at the moment.

(i)     do

(ii)   does



c.      The sweets _________ just now are a gift from our neighbour.

(i)     eat

(ii)   eaten

(iii)eating (iv)to eat

d.          The proposal has __________ examined today.

(i)     have

(ii)   being


(iv)None of the above.

e.         He likes _________ slowly.

(i)     eating

(ii)   eat

(iii)eaten (iv)to eat

2. Fill in the blanks with suitable adverbs:

a. He always wears a coat, _____________ in summer.

(i) evenly
(ii) even



b. _____________ he can do a thing like that.

(i)     Just
(ii)    Although (iii)Only (iv)But
c. _____________ I have got a meeting in New York.

(i)     Tomorrow
(ii)   Yesterday



d. She got dressed _____________.

(i)     quick
(ii)    quickness (iii)quicken (iv)quickly

e. This time tomorrow I will be _____________ working in my garden.

(i)     happiness
(ii)   happily



3.         Choose the correct tense of the verb:

a. I (just / finish) ________________________ my homework.

(i) have just finished

(ii) has just finished

(iii)have just finish

(iv)None of the above.

b. Mary (already / write) ________________________ five letters.
(i) have already written

(ii) has already written

(iii)has already wrote

(iv)None of the above

c. Tom (move) ________________________ to his home town in 1994.
(i) move

(ii) moves


(iv)None of the above

d. My friend (be) ________________________ in Canada two years ago.
(i) is

(ii) were


(iv)None of the above

e. I (not / be) ________________________ to Canada so far.
(i) has not been

(ii) were not been

(iii)have not been

(iv)None of the above

f.  But I (already / travel) _____________________ to London a couple of times.

(i) has already traveled

(ii) had already travel

(iii)have been already traveled

(iv)None of the above

g.        Tomorrow I think I (start) ________________________ my new project.

(i)     will be start

(ii)   will starting

(iii)will start

(iv)None of the above

h.         I can't take any pictures because I (not /buy) _____________ a new film yet.
(i)     has not bought

(ii)   have not bought

(iii)have not bring (iv)None of the above
i.            (they / spend) ____________________ their holidays in Paris last summer?

(i)     Did they spend

(ii)   Did they spent

(iii)Do they spend (iv)None of the above

j.            (you / ever / see ) ________________________ a whale?
(i)     Has you ever seen

(ii)   Have you ever saw (iii)Have you ever seen (iv)None of the above

4.         Replace the underlined word with a synonym or an antonym: a. I don't remember where I met Keira. (synonym)

(i)     forget

(ii)   bright



b. My father is the eldest son of his family. (antonym)

(i)     oldest

(ii)   stubborn (iii)youngest
(i)     polite

c. The teacher asked us to stay away from safe places. (antonym)

(i)       secure

(ii)   dangerous


(i)     harmless

d. He is a lazy boy who watches TV all day. (synonym)

(i)     smart

(ii)   energetic



e.         The show was very entertaining. (synonym)

(i)     enjoyable

(ii)    dull (iii)boring (iv)fuming

5.         Choose the correct meaning of the idioms from the options given below:

a.        To make clean breast of
(i)     To gain prominence
(ii)   To praise oneself

(iii)To confess without of reserve (iv)To destroy before it blooms
b.        To keeps one's temper
(i)     To become hungry

(ii)   To be in good mood (iii)To preserve ones energy
(iv)To be aloof from
c.         To catch a tartar
(i)     To trap wanted criminal with great difficulty

(ii)   To catch a dangerous person

(iii)To meet with disaster

(iv)To deal with a person who is more than one's match
d.        To drive home
(i)     To find one's roots

(ii)    To return to place of rest (iii)Back to original position
(iv)To emphasise
e.         To have an axe to grind
(i)     A private end to serve

(ii)    To fail to arouse interest (iii)To have no result (iv)To work for both sides

6.         Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

a.        Don’t be so sad. The sofa is still ________________ (repair)

b.         He completely agreed with my decision. In fact, he was very _______________

(sympathy) with me.

c.         I’m sure this water is safe for drinking. It is ________________ (drink)

d.         Some people don’t agree with cloning. For them it is largely an _____________

(ethics) problem.

e.         Book are ________________ (rely) sources of information.

7.         Fill in the blanks using suitable determiners.

a.        ________ mangoes are rotten.
(i)     Little
(ii)   These


b.        Have you seen _______ keys?
(i)     white
(ii)   who



c.         Have you got _________ Math books I could borrow?

(i)     any
(ii)   one



d.        __________ people decided to leave.

(i)     Every
(ii)   This



e.         He saw _______ movie.

(i)     an
(ii)   a




V. 1. Read the extract and answer the questions that follow.

Dr. Anandibai Joshi

At the convocation, a proud Gopalrao along with Pandita Ramabai watched me receive my M.D. degree on March 11, 1886. I received a standing ovation for being the first woman doctor of India. That was the proudest moment of my life!

a.     Who were present to watch Anandi receive her M.D. degree?

b.     Why did Anandi receive a standing ovation?

c.     Identify the word which means ‘a formal assembly at a college or university’.

2.         Read the extract and answer the questions that follow. The Strawberry Pink Villa
The villa was small and square, standing in its tiny garden with an air of pink-faced determination. Its shutters had been faded by the sun to a delicate creamy-green, cracked and bubbled in places.

a.     Describe the villa.

b.     How had the sun damaged the shutters of the villa?

c.     Find the word which is an antonym for ‘sturdy’.

3.         Read the extract and answer the questions that follow. The Village Blacksmith
Under a spreading chestnut tree

The village smithy stands; The smith, a mighty man is he, With large and sinewy hands;
And the muscles of his brawny arms Are strong as iron bands.

a.     Who stands under the chestnut tree?

b.     What physical characteristics make him a mighty man?

c.     Write the word which is synonymous with ‘strong’.

VI.           Answer the following questions in 30 to 40 words each.

1.         Dr. Anandibai Joshi

a.     Why did Judith go to the attic?

b.     How did Judith find the letter in her house?

c.     Why did Anandibai Joshi want to go to America?

d.     Where did Anandi address her community? Why?

e.     What is your perception about Anandibai Joshi? Why?

2.         The Strawberry-Pink Villa

a.     Who sat behind the wheel?

b.     What proved that everyone on the island knew Spiro very well?

c.     What would Spiro do when they went shopping?

d.     Why did Spiro drive mother to the Customs Shed?

e.     What problem arose at the villa due to the missing cases?

3.         The Village Blacksmith

a.     How do you know that the village blacksmith is a religious person?

b.     Why is the blacksmith able to look at the whole world ‘in the face’?

c.     Why does his daughter’s voice make his heart rejoice?

d.     How do we know that he is still working?

e.     Do you admire the blacksmith? Explain.

VII.           Answer the following questions in about 60 -80 words.

1.         How does the detective trick Passepartout and separate him from his master?
2.         Do you think Mr. Fogg is right in spending eight thousand dollars to reach

Bordeaux? Justify your answer.

3.         Describe Mr. Fogg’s journey from Yokohama to Plum Creek.
