Tuesday 27 October 2015

Social Science- Civics- Media and Democracy

Media and Democracy

Question and Answers.
  1. What is media? (Refers to all the different things that we use to communicate with others.)
  2. Identify the two types of media on the basis of technology. ( Print media and electronic media)
  3. What is mass media? (Media that is used to communicate to a large number of people is known as mass media)
  4. What does public opinion refer to? (Public opinion refers to the view or opinions of certain sections of a large group of people in a community or a country, on a particular issue.)
  5. What is public opinion? (When a group of people come together to project a similar view, it is known as public opinion.)
  6. Analyse the relationship between technology and media. (The relationship of media and technology interdependent. Without technology media wouldn’t be what it is today)
  7. When did print media come into existence? ( Pint media came into existence when Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press)
  8. Why is media important in democracy? (Media acts as a link between the people and those who govern them by communicating the viewpoints of both.)
  9. Why are advertisements important? (Another way in which mass media makes money is by advertising. There are advertisements of cars, phones, clothes, chocolates, etc. Even the radio earns money through advertisements.)
  10. What is the responsibility of the media in general? (Mass media should be independent and not be influenced by anything or anyone when presenting facts to the people. Media should neither reflect the opinion of the business houses that control it nor should it reflect its own business interests. )
  11. Who reads khabar lahriya? (The newspaper reaches farmers, school teachers, panchayat members and women who have learnt to read and write.)

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