Tuesday 1 December 2015

The Radiance of Light

The Radiance of Light
·         What is meant by light?
something that makes things visible.
·         Why is light important for human beings?
Without light human beings will not be able to see anything around.
·         What is the importance of light for a plant?
Plants prepare their food with the help of light by the process of photosynthesis; without light they will not be able to prepare their food and therefore will not be able to survive
·         What is main source of light on earth?
·         .What are the other sources of light?
Electric bulb, candle, fire, stars, etc.
·         Have you observed the rays coming from the sun?
·         How is the path of the sun rays-straight or curved?
·          How is the surface of a mirror used in rear view mirror of a car?
   it is curved or spherical.
·           What is meant by Focus?
the point on the principal axis where the
                      incident rays converge after reflection (as in concave mirror) or appear to      diverge
from when produced backwards (as in convex mirror)is called as Focus(F)..
·         What would happen if you take few small plastic balls and throw them together on a wall?
They would all touch the wall and bounce back in different directions.
·         Do all the objects reflect light?
·         How differently do all these objects reflect light?
·         Mirror reflects the maximum and sharp light, scrambled metal foil reflects light that is scattered, steel plate reflects light, while the white paper reflects only a negligible amount of light.
·         Why do you think the objects reflect light differently?
The luster  and smoothness of the objects differ and thus the intensity of reflecting light of
different objects also differ.
·         What you will see if you stand in front of the mirror?
My reflection /my own image.
·         What will happen if a white screen is placed in front of the mirror?
Image will not appear on it/we will not be able to see our image in the screen as it is seen in the mirror.
·         Is the image seen in the mirror of same size as you?
Is the image at a same distance from the mirror as you are standing?
·         Did the image also move 2 steps back?
·         How does the title of the book appear in the mirror image?
·         laterally inverted
Image formed in a plane mirror is always virtual, upright and laterally inverted .  is of the same size as the size of the object . is as far behind the mirror as the object is in front (
·                                     How is the surface of a mirror used in rear view mirror of a car?
                it is curved or spherical.
·         What type of image is formed by concave mirror?
Real, inverted image.
·         What type of image is formed by convex mirror?
·         Virtual and erect/upright)vehicle
If you are working as a hair stylist, what type of mirror will give a complete view of the hair style from behind to the person?
·                            ·       What does the doctor do when we complain of not being able to see far off objects?
                He/she checks our eyesight and suggests the use of spectacles, if required.
·                            ·     What is the difference between a concave lens and a convex lens?
              A convex lens is thicker in the middle than at the edges whereas a concave lens is thicker at                    edges and thinner in the middle.
·         Name the two types of lenses?
Concave and convex
·         What happens when you allow sunlight to fall on convex and concave lenses?
·         The convex lens converges the sunlight to a small point on paper to form an image of the sun while concave lens diverges the sunlight, so no image is formed.
·         Have anyone of you seen rainbow?
·         Yes
·         Do you know how much colours there are in rainbow?
·         Seven
Do you know what is the colourless light called?
White light

·         What do you observe as the disc is rotating fast?

·         The disc appears to be white.

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