Friday 28 April 2017

Class 7 Social Science Holiday Homework

Holiday Homework (2017-18)
Class : VII                                                                                                        Subject :Social. Science
Name : ___________________________________                                         Roll No: _____

Fill in the Blanks.

1. The Persian wheel is related to ____________________________.

2. The Late Medieval period spans between ____________________.

3. Tarikh-i-Firuzshahi was written by _______________________.

4. _________________ was used synonymously with India during the British Raj.

5. The Turks establish themselves in Delhi during the _______________________.

6. The early medieval period saw the emergence of ________________________.

7. The Physical environment comprises of __________________ components.

8.  ____________ protects us from the harmful ultraviolet rays of the Sun.

9. All energy for life comes from the ________________________.

Answer the Following: 
1. Name the traveller who wrote Rihla.
2. What causes environmental degradation?
3. Why do human beings modify their environment?
4. What is an ecosystem? How does it function?

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