Wednesday 26 July 2017

History ch 3- The Turkish Invasion (Extra questions).

History ch 3- The Turkish Invasion

1. What was the political development in the medieval period?
The medieval period of Indian history witnessed the rise and fall of several dynasties and the period marks the struggle for power between regional powers.

2.  Name some of the kingdoms that emerged in medieval period.
The Gurjara- Pratiharas, the Rashtrakutas, the Palas, and the Cholas.

3. Which foreign ruler invaded India during medieval time?
Mahmud Ghazni

4. Which event marked the beginning of Islam?
The birth of Prophet Muhammad (the founder of Islam) at Makkah (Mecca) in Arabia.

5. Who captured Sind in 712 CE?
Muhammad bin Qasim

6. Who founded his kingdom and made Ghazni his capital?

7. Why could the Arabs not extend their kingdom to other parts of India?
Resistance offered by the Pratiharas and the Rashtrakutas.

8.  Who was Subuktigin’s son?

9. Why did Mahmud Ghazi attack India?
He wanted to expand his kingdom and to protect the same; he needed money to build a strong, large and well equipped army and he attacked India for its wealth.

10. What did Jayapala do after his defeat?
In 1001 CE, Mahmud defeated Jaypala. Unable to bear this disgrace, Jaypala immolated himself after the defeat.

11. What did Mahmud do with the wealth he looted from temples like Somnath and others?
Transformed his capital of Ghazni into a rich city.

12. Who was Ghiyasuddin Ghori?
He was the one who conquered Ghazni and annexed it to Ghor.

13. Why did the Second Battle of Tarain take place?
Muhammad Ghori was defeated inthe first Battle of Tarain and to to revenge his previous defeat he organised a large force consisting of 1,20,000 men, heavy cavalry, and 10,000 mounted archers and attacked Prithviraj again.

14. Explain factors responsible for success of Ghori.
  • Political disunity among the Indian kings.
  • Fighting was only restricted to a particular caste, Kshtriyas.
  • Political and administration -affected by the growth of feudalism.
  • Rajputs lacked the strategic vision.
  • Lack of knowledge of things happening outside India.

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