Monday 2 November 2015

English - Dr. Anandibai Joshi

Comprehension questions:

*What was remarkable about Anandi? (She was the first Indian woman to be awarded

a medical degree.)

*Where did the Ashton family live? (in New York)

*Who was Judith? (Mr and Mrs Ashton’s daughter)

*Where was the conference supposed to be held? (India)

*Where did Judith want to go? (Yellowstone National Park)

*What did Judith find? Where? (Judith found a grey gown in the wooden chest.)

*What fell from the gown? (Judith’s Grandma’s diary)

*When and where was Anandi born? (Anandi was born on 31st March, 1865 in Kalyan.)

*What was Anandi named at the time of birth? (Yamuna)

*Who did Anandi marry? (Gopalrao)

*As what did Anandi’s husband work and where? (as a clerk at the post office.)

*What languages could Anandi read? (Sanskrit and English)

*At what age did Anandi become a mother? (fourteen)

*What happened to her baby boy? Why? (The baby passed away because of

insufficient medical care.)

*Why did Anandi decide to become a doctor? (to ensure that no woman would lose her

loved one because of lack of medical attention.)

*Who did Anandi’s husband write a letter to? (to Royal Wilder, an American missionary)

*Who offered accommodation to Anandi in America? (Mrs Theodicia Carpenter, a

resident of Roselle, New Jersey)

*What did Anandi discuss with Carpenter Mavashi? (about early marriage and its effect

on women’s health, Hindu culture, religion and status of women in the society.)

*Where did Anandi address her community? Why? (Anandi addressed her community at

Serampore College Hall to explain her desire to become a doctor and her intention to

start a medical college for women in India.)
*Who donated two hundred rupees for Anandi’s education? (the Viceroy of India)

*Why did Anandi face a problem in winter? (because of her Maharashtrian attire)

*What did she do about it? (decided to wear a saree in Gujrati style.)

*What took a heavy toll on her health? (unfamiliar diet and cold)

*Who all had come to watch Anandi’s convocation ceremony? (Gopalrao and Pandita


*Who had sent a congratulatory message to Anandi? (Queen Victoria)

*How did Judith find the letter in her house? (because Anandi Joshi had written the letter

to one of her ancestors and her grandma had copied it in her diary)

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