Monday 2 November 2015

Forces of nature

Forces of nature
Ø What happens when strong wind blows?
The umbrella gets blown off, trees
get uprooted, trees sway vigorously.
Ø What are natural disasters/ natural calamities?
The instances that cause huge damage to lives and property.
Ø Give    few examples of natural events/ natural calamities?
Cyclone , earthquakes, landslides, forest fire, floods.
Ø Give few examples of natural events where winds blows very fast?
(thunderstorms, cyclone etc.
The   fast moving air is called wind.
 When air moves at a high speed, it becomes dangerous. The characteristics of wind are
that it moves with a particular speed and has a direction of propagation
Ø Which instrument you use to measure body temperature?
We  use instrument called Anemometer to measure wind
Ø What would you do if the wind is very strong and blowing against you while
riding a bicycle?
put extra energy to move ahead, stop riding etc.
Ø Is it easy to move in the direction of the wind or against the direction of the
in the direction of the wind.
 Ø Why is it not that easy to move in the direction opposite to the wind?
Ø What is air pressure?
it is the force exerted by the weight of tiny particles of
air upon an unit area.
Ø What happen when we pour cold water on the hot tin can?
The tin can gets distorted.
Ø What does the distortion of the tin can indicate?
The distortion of the tin can indicates that air exerted pressure.
Ø Which  factor on the earth’s surface forces the air to move from the higher
pressure region to lower pressure region?
The air pressure difference
Between  two points on the earth surface forces the air to move from the
Higher  pressure region to lower pressure region)
Ø When do we get rainfall in India?
 During monsoon  season.
Ø What do we call the event, when it rains heavily with strong winds and
Ø When do we get rainfall in India?
 During  monsoon season.
Ø What do we call the event, when it rains heavily with strong winds and
Ø What is thunderstorm?
Thunderstorm is a kind of weather in which lightning and  thunders are usually accompanies by heavy rains.
Ø In which type of areas thunderstorms generally develop?
It develops in humid and hot areas.
Ø What are cyclones?
Cyclones are huge and powerful storms.
Ø What is an eye of cyclone?
The centre of the storm is a calm, cloudless area Called  the eye of the cyclone.
Ø Is it possible for us to prevent/control the effect of some natural disasters like
cyclone in some way?
If  yes, how?
yes, to some extent, by planting trees,
preventing concretization of land, conserving forests etc.
Ø Give one scientific term for the following:
→ Natural disaster in which lightning and thunder are usually accompanied
by heavy rains.
Natural disaster that has an eye.
→ A life saving equipment that should be kept ready as a safety measure for
Floating  tubes, boats, etc.

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