Thursday 27 October 2016


Dr. Anadibai Joshi
1) Why was Anandi’s life different from most children of her age?
Ans. Because she married a widower who was almost twenty years older
         than her.
2) Why did Anandi decide to become a docter?
Ans. Because she had lost her baby boy and she realised that there were no female doctors.
3) Why did Anandi decide to become a doctor?
Ans. Because she wanted to educate herself, cross the seas and live in a foreign country.

4) Draw a brief character sketch of Anandibai.
Ans. Student specific.
Question no. 3:
1) Why did Anandi addressed her community at Serampore college Hall?
Ans. To explain why she wanted to go abroad for higher studies, her desire to become a doctor and the need of female doctors in India.
2) What issues did Anandi dwell upon in her maiden speech to her community?
Ans. The country desperately needs Hindu doctors and that she wanted to start a medical college for women in India.
3) What was the effect of her speech?
Ans.There was a profound silence and the people applauded her.
Ch-9 Journey through the Pacific Railroad
1. How does the detective trick Passpartout and separate him from his master? Is the detective justified in doing so? Why or why not?
Ans. The detective tricked Mr. Fogg into getting drunk and that is how he seperated from Passepartout. (2nd Part of the question student's personal response)
2. Why does Mr. Batuclar employ Passpartout ?
Ans. Mr. Batuclar employed Passpartout because he could sing standing on his head, wIth a spinning top on his left foot and a sabre balanced on his right.
3. Why does Passpartout go ashore when the ' Carnatic' docks at Yokohama?
Ans. Passpartout did not go ashore when the ' Carnatic' docks at Yokohama because all were mail steamers, and those carrying north America, China, Japan and the Oriental islands were put in.
4. Why does the 'human Pyramid” collapse?

Ans. Passepartout fell on the feet of one of the spectators. That is why human pyramid collapsed.

Monday 24 October 2016

Cycle test 3 -Syllabus 2016-17 Std- VII

                                                     Cycle test 3 -Syllabus 2016-17
Std- VII

  • Integrated Project
  • Ch4 More on HTML
  • Working with Images
  • Creating Tables
  • Creating Hyperlinks
  • Ch5: Introduction to ‘C’ language
  • Features of C
  • Compiling and executing a C program
  • Constant, Variables and Keywords
  • Data Types
  • Operators in C

  • IA: Integrated Project
  • Grammar: Verbs – Present Tense
  • SR: Passepartout, the Acrobatic Artist
  • Prose: Dr. Anandibai Joshi
  • Grammar: Verbs – Non Finite Verbs
  • Composition: Formal Letter
  • Poem: The Village Blacksmith
  • Composition: Email Writing
  • Grammar: Verbs- Past Tense
  • Composition: Comprehension 1
  • Prose: The Strawberry – Pink Villa (An Extract)
  • Grammar: Verbs – Future Tense
  • Composition: Article Writing
  • Grammar: Adverbs
  • SR: Journey through the Pacific Railroad
  • Grammar: Antonyms and Synonyms
  • Composition: Dialogue Writing_Rev
  • Grammar: Idioms
  • Composition: Descriptive Writing_Rev
  • IA: Aural
  • Composition: Comprehension 2
  • Error Identification
  • SR: Phileas Fogg Simply does his Duty
  • Grammar: Adjectives_Rev
  • Composition: Comprehension 3
  • Grammar: Determiners and Articles_Rev
  • IA: Reading
  • Error Identification
  • Revision Question Bank

  • Integrated Project
  • Ch 8: Natural Vegetation and Wildlife
  • Ch 9: Human Settlements
  • Ch 10: Transport and Communication
  • I. A- OBT: Transport and Communication (To be done in the Geography period)
  • Revision Test 3

  • Integrated Project कल्पना की कल्पना
  • पाठः साइकिल की सवारी
  • व्याकरणः सर्वनाम (पुनः अभ्यास)
  • व्याकरणः विशेषण
  • व्याकरणः क्रिया
  • व्याकरणः काल
  • IA: Group Discussion
  • कविताः फिर क्या होगा उसके बाद?
  • व्याकरणः लोकक्तियाँ
  • व्याकरणः पर्यायवाची शब्द
  • रचनाः अनुच्छेद-लेखन, निबंध-लेखन (पुनः अभ्यास)
  • पाठः श्वेत क्रांति के जनक
  • लहरः शोर
  • रचनाः पत्र-लेखन (अनौपचारिक) (पुनःअभ्यास)
  • रचनाः अपठित गद्यांश, अपठित पद्यांश (पुनःअभ्यास)
  • व्याकरणः विशेषण, क्रिया, काल (पुनः अभ्यास)
  • Revision Question Bank
  • IA: Reading/ Dictation/ (To be assessed regularly)

  • Integrated Project
  • Ch 6: History: India after the Mughals
  • Ch 7: History: Towns, Traders and Artisans
  • Ch 17: Civics: Democracy and Media
  • Ch 8: History: Tribes and Tribal Societies
  • I.A. - OBT – Tribes and Tribal Societies. To be conducted in the Geography period
  • Revision Test 3

  • Integrated Project
  • Chapter 9: Congruence of Triangles
  • Chapter 14: Ratio, proportion and unitary method
  • Chapter 18: Data handling and Probability
  • Chapter 13: Perimeter and Area
  • Mental Math Assessment - 3

  • Integrated Project
  • Chapter 13: Rivers Of Life
  • Chapter 11: The Treasure Beneath Our Feet
  • Chapter 10: Forces of Nature
  • Case Study
  • Chapter 17: The Radiance of Light
  • Open Book Test
  • OMR (MCQ 3)
  • Revision Test 3

Friday 21 October 2016

Math Integrated Project

Integrated Project
Grade 7
Topic: OLYMPICS: The triumph of mind and body

Procedure to carry out the project:
1.    Research on the assigned criteria and collect related information in order to write in their scrap book.
2.      Make a cover page with group members and school name.
3.    Write the heading as Graphical Representation of the Gold and Silver medals won by top 5 countries in the Olympics 2016.
4.    Write the information collected from the students’ research i.e.  data collected of top 5 countries having maximum number of gold and silver medals



5.      Draw a double bar graph to graphical represent the collected data.
6.      Find out at which position India is, and the number of medals won
7.      Write conclusion on the observations made
7.   Present the data collected and their conclusion in the class.


Painting competition

With World Food Day around the corner, we are running a pan-India contest 'Podar's Colour Your Imagination' from October 21st, 2016 to October 25th, 2016 for all the students of Podar International Schools in three categories: grade 1 to 3grade 4 to 6 and grade 7 to 10.
Through this contest, students of Podar International School are invited to use their imagination and artistic talent to create a poster on the theme of World Food Day. One winning poster will be selected from each of the three categories and will receive a 10 inch Samsung Tablet as a prize.


-          The students from grade 1 to grade 3 have to draw either a fruit or a vegetable and add colour fingerprints to enhance the drawing. 

-          The students from grade 4 to grade 6 have todraw and colour a poster of either their favourite food or their memorable meal. 
-          The students  from grade 7 to grade 10 have to draw and colour a poster on 'How the world will look like when everybody has food'. 

-          The students must create a poster on A3 size drawing sheet. 

-          Posters may be drawn, painted or sketched using pencils, pens, sketch pens, crayons, water paint or poster colour.

-          The students must draw and paint the poster from home only. 

Submission Procedure:
*After the contest, all entrants must ask their parent(s) / legal guardian(s) to photograph the poster. 

*Parent(s) / legal guardian(s) must visit the official Facebook page of Podar International School ( and LIKE the page. 

*After the parent(s) / legal guardian(s) have liked the Facebook page, they need to inbox (message) the picture of the poster on the Facebook page with the student's name, roll number, grade and school branch. 

 *The entries will be judged on the basis of the most creative, vivid and detailed art submitted. To qualify, parent(s) / legal guardian(s) of the entrant(s) need to LIKE the Facebook page of Podar International School and submit their entry 
by 25th October, 2016. 

​*We will be giving discount coupon as a consolation prize to every participant. The student or parent need to enter their GRNO in the link that we will be providing them and avail exciting discounts on Samsung Mobiles.

Sunday 16 October 2016

Integrated Project_Science

Topic: The Olympics
  - The triumph of mind and body
Objective: The student will be able to:
·         plan a meal for an athlete considering the nutritional needs and physical exercise required

Background information:
Discuss with the students that an athlete has rigorous physical training and exercise sessions, this leads to a lot of wear and tear of the muscles. As we know proteins help in building and repairing muscles in an animal body, an athlete should primarily consume a protein rich diet. However carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals are also the vital components of the diet needed for energy supply, efficient functioning of all the body organs, etc. 

Material Required: (each material per group)
To be sourced by the students:
·         For written presentation: scrap book, pen, crayons, sketch pens, relevant pictures, newspaper/magazine articles, glue, a pair of scissors, pencils, eraser, sharpener
(Note: materials other than the scrap book may vary as per the students’ or teachers’ discretion)

Preparation prior to session: (Note: provide 1 week’s time to research)
1.    Provide the following pointers for research and meal plan:
a.    Importance of each meal in a day- breakfast, lunch and dinner
b.    Type of food and the proportions that should be consumed in each meal
c.    Importance of exercise and the time in the day, when one should exercise
d.    Exercises and food required to build muscles

Procedure to carry out the project:
1.    Groups are supposed to plan a day’s diet and exercise for an athlete.
2.    The day’s meal should include- breakfast, lunch and dinner.
3.    Also mention about the amount of exercise that an athlete requires daily.

Presentation of the project:
1.    Groups should make the meal plan in the scrapbook.
2.    They can use relevant articles and pictures from newspapers and magazines.
3.    Oral presentation of 2 min.

Monday 3 October 2016

Information related to NIE

Dear Parents,                                                                                                                 Tuesday, 4th October, 2016
Greetings from PIS, Vadodara!
We are delighted to inform that our school will offer subscription to NIE (children’s newspaper by TIMES OF INDIA, available all across India) newspaper to interested students as discussed in the PTM. This is a special children’s newspaper which consists all the news pertaining to school children; they can even submit their paintings, poems, letters etc. for getting published. It would be offered from grade IV to IX at the very nominal cost of 250/-.The editions would be provided from Monday to Friday (1 paper on this each day) from October’16 to March’17. The sample copy is kept in the library for the students. Please send Rs.250/- with your child by 14th October’16.We request you to encourage your child and take the subscription to inculcate reading habit in them.
Warm Regards,
