Sunday 16 October 2016

Integrated Project_Science

Topic: The Olympics
  - The triumph of mind and body
Objective: The student will be able to:
·         plan a meal for an athlete considering the nutritional needs and physical exercise required

Background information:
Discuss with the students that an athlete has rigorous physical training and exercise sessions, this leads to a lot of wear and tear of the muscles. As we know proteins help in building and repairing muscles in an animal body, an athlete should primarily consume a protein rich diet. However carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals are also the vital components of the diet needed for energy supply, efficient functioning of all the body organs, etc. 

Material Required: (each material per group)
To be sourced by the students:
·         For written presentation: scrap book, pen, crayons, sketch pens, relevant pictures, newspaper/magazine articles, glue, a pair of scissors, pencils, eraser, sharpener
(Note: materials other than the scrap book may vary as per the students’ or teachers’ discretion)

Preparation prior to session: (Note: provide 1 week’s time to research)
1.    Provide the following pointers for research and meal plan:
a.    Importance of each meal in a day- breakfast, lunch and dinner
b.    Type of food and the proportions that should be consumed in each meal
c.    Importance of exercise and the time in the day, when one should exercise
d.    Exercises and food required to build muscles

Procedure to carry out the project:
1.    Groups are supposed to plan a day’s diet and exercise for an athlete.
2.    The day’s meal should include- breakfast, lunch and dinner.
3.    Also mention about the amount of exercise that an athlete requires daily.

Presentation of the project:
1.    Groups should make the meal plan in the scrapbook.
2.    They can use relevant articles and pictures from newspapers and magazines.
3.    Oral presentation of 2 min.

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