Monday 24 October 2016

Cycle test 3 -Syllabus 2016-17 Std- VII

                                                     Cycle test 3 -Syllabus 2016-17
Std- VII

  • Integrated Project
  • Ch4 More on HTML
  • Working with Images
  • Creating Tables
  • Creating Hyperlinks
  • Ch5: Introduction to ‘C’ language
  • Features of C
  • Compiling and executing a C program
  • Constant, Variables and Keywords
  • Data Types
  • Operators in C

  • IA: Integrated Project
  • Grammar: Verbs – Present Tense
  • SR: Passepartout, the Acrobatic Artist
  • Prose: Dr. Anandibai Joshi
  • Grammar: Verbs – Non Finite Verbs
  • Composition: Formal Letter
  • Poem: The Village Blacksmith
  • Composition: Email Writing
  • Grammar: Verbs- Past Tense
  • Composition: Comprehension 1
  • Prose: The Strawberry – Pink Villa (An Extract)
  • Grammar: Verbs – Future Tense
  • Composition: Article Writing
  • Grammar: Adverbs
  • SR: Journey through the Pacific Railroad
  • Grammar: Antonyms and Synonyms
  • Composition: Dialogue Writing_Rev
  • Grammar: Idioms
  • Composition: Descriptive Writing_Rev
  • IA: Aural
  • Composition: Comprehension 2
  • Error Identification
  • SR: Phileas Fogg Simply does his Duty
  • Grammar: Adjectives_Rev
  • Composition: Comprehension 3
  • Grammar: Determiners and Articles_Rev
  • IA: Reading
  • Error Identification
  • Revision Question Bank

  • Integrated Project
  • Ch 8: Natural Vegetation and Wildlife
  • Ch 9: Human Settlements
  • Ch 10: Transport and Communication
  • I. A- OBT: Transport and Communication (To be done in the Geography period)
  • Revision Test 3

  • Integrated Project कल्पना की कल्पना
  • पाठः साइकिल की सवारी
  • व्याकरणः सर्वनाम (पुनः अभ्यास)
  • व्याकरणः विशेषण
  • व्याकरणः क्रिया
  • व्याकरणः काल
  • IA: Group Discussion
  • कविताः फिर क्या होगा उसके बाद?
  • व्याकरणः लोकक्तियाँ
  • व्याकरणः पर्यायवाची शब्द
  • रचनाः अनुच्छेद-लेखन, निबंध-लेखन (पुनः अभ्यास)
  • पाठः श्वेत क्रांति के जनक
  • लहरः शोर
  • रचनाः पत्र-लेखन (अनौपचारिक) (पुनःअभ्यास)
  • रचनाः अपठित गद्यांश, अपठित पद्यांश (पुनःअभ्यास)
  • व्याकरणः विशेषण, क्रिया, काल (पुनः अभ्यास)
  • Revision Question Bank
  • IA: Reading/ Dictation/ (To be assessed regularly)

  • Integrated Project
  • Ch 6: History: India after the Mughals
  • Ch 7: History: Towns, Traders and Artisans
  • Ch 17: Civics: Democracy and Media
  • Ch 8: History: Tribes and Tribal Societies
  • I.A. - OBT – Tribes and Tribal Societies. To be conducted in the Geography period
  • Revision Test 3

  • Integrated Project
  • Chapter 9: Congruence of Triangles
  • Chapter 14: Ratio, proportion and unitary method
  • Chapter 18: Data handling and Probability
  • Chapter 13: Perimeter and Area
  • Mental Math Assessment - 3

  • Integrated Project
  • Chapter 13: Rivers Of Life
  • Chapter 11: The Treasure Beneath Our Feet
  • Chapter 10: Forces of Nature
  • Case Study
  • Chapter 17: The Radiance of Light
  • Open Book Test
  • OMR (MCQ 3)
  • Revision Test 3

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