Friday 21 October 2016

Math Integrated Project

Integrated Project
Grade 7
Topic: OLYMPICS: The triumph of mind and body

Procedure to carry out the project:
1.    Research on the assigned criteria and collect related information in order to write in their scrap book.
2.      Make a cover page with group members and school name.
3.    Write the heading as Graphical Representation of the Gold and Silver medals won by top 5 countries in the Olympics 2016.
4.    Write the information collected from the students’ research i.e.  data collected of top 5 countries having maximum number of gold and silver medals



5.      Draw a double bar graph to graphical represent the collected data.
6.      Find out at which position India is, and the number of medals won
7.      Write conclusion on the observations made
7.   Present the data collected and their conclusion in the class.


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