Thursday 27 October 2016


Dr. Anadibai Joshi
1) Why was Anandi’s life different from most children of her age?
Ans. Because she married a widower who was almost twenty years older
         than her.
2) Why did Anandi decide to become a docter?
Ans. Because she had lost her baby boy and she realised that there were no female doctors.
3) Why did Anandi decide to become a doctor?
Ans. Because she wanted to educate herself, cross the seas and live in a foreign country.

4) Draw a brief character sketch of Anandibai.
Ans. Student specific.
Question no. 3:
1) Why did Anandi addressed her community at Serampore college Hall?
Ans. To explain why she wanted to go abroad for higher studies, her desire to become a doctor and the need of female doctors in India.
2) What issues did Anandi dwell upon in her maiden speech to her community?
Ans. The country desperately needs Hindu doctors and that she wanted to start a medical college for women in India.
3) What was the effect of her speech?
Ans.There was a profound silence and the people applauded her.
Ch-9 Journey through the Pacific Railroad
1. How does the detective trick Passpartout and separate him from his master? Is the detective justified in doing so? Why or why not?
Ans. The detective tricked Mr. Fogg into getting drunk and that is how he seperated from Passepartout. (2nd Part of the question student's personal response)
2. Why does Mr. Batuclar employ Passpartout ?
Ans. Mr. Batuclar employed Passpartout because he could sing standing on his head, wIth a spinning top on his left foot and a sabre balanced on his right.
3. Why does Passpartout go ashore when the ' Carnatic' docks at Yokohama?
Ans. Passpartout did not go ashore when the ' Carnatic' docks at Yokohama because all were mail steamers, and those carrying north America, China, Japan and the Oriental islands were put in.
4. Why does the 'human Pyramid” collapse?

Ans. Passepartout fell on the feet of one of the spectators. That is why human pyramid collapsed.

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