Friday 24 March 2017


Dear Parents,
1.Kindly note that we have  made a video How to order books and uniform entire process in Hindi(youtube video). Please check it.

2. Please check Help Manual.

Wednesday 22 March 2017

Details of "One Day Adventure Camp"



Dear Parents, 

We are organizing an “Adventure Program” at our school. The program will be conducted on 25th March’2017, Saturday between 8.30 am to 3.45 pm. They should wear Sport Wear (track pant, t-shirt and sport shoes). The camp fee is Rs. 190/- per student.


08:00 am
Assembly and Group Distribution
08:30 am
Activity Begins
10:30 am
10:45 am
Activity restart
12:30 pm
1:00 pm
Activity restart
3:30 pm
3:45 pm
De-briefing & Camp Dispersal

Some of the Adventure Activities the students would enjoy are as follows:

Valley Crossing
Commando Net
Burma Bridge
Double Rope Bridge
Commando Crawl
Tug Of War
Tent Pitching
Diagonal Rope Ladder
Three Tyre Hurdle
Mowgli Walk
Tarzan Swing
Monkey Crawl
Rope Ladder Climbing

 The camp will be duly supervised by the professional instructors from Adventure4ever. We trust that the students will have a joyful and enriching experience. If you are interested in sending your ward for the above mentioned camp, kindly fill in the consent form and send it latest by 20/03/2017, Monday along with the Fees. Please send Rs.190/-in a closed envelope and handover to class teacher. The refreshments would be provided by the school. Pick up and drop of your ward would be managed by the parents kindly take note of the same.

With kind regards
Yours sincerely



Monday 20 March 2017

Online books and uniform

Updated Information on “Online sale of books and uniforms for 2017-18” for PJK and PIS.

A)  Standard delivery dates: DELIVERY LEAD time of 10-12 Business days from the date of order.

B)  Completing the order process for COD:
COD order will be only moved to next step if parents enter OTP received on their mobile.
(COD orders will always have OTP sent on the parent’s registered mobile phone, and COD orders are considered to be complete only if PARENT / CUSTOMER puts/enters OTP number back on the website).

C)  Attending COD verification calls:
COD Orders are having 3 level of verification
                                     1st.    Customer to enter OTP received on their mobile phone
                                   2nd.    Customer Service Executive from calls them to verify if order is genuine or fake.
                                    3rd.    Delivery person calls up customer before delivery to know if the they are available to accept the delivery.

Thursday 16 March 2017

Circular regarding 2017-18 Sale of School Book Sets & Uniforms.


Dear Parents,                                                                                                              Roll No.__________

Greetings from PIS, Vadodara!                                                                              Date.16/03/2017,Thursday

As we plan for the new academic session 2017-18, we would like you to note the following important information.

2017-18 Sale of School Book Sets & Uniforms:

A large number of parents have requested for a secure, convenient & easy-to-use online sales platform to purchase the school book sets & uniforms for their children.

Looking at the convenience & comfort of the children and parents, an online website, has been selected to list & sell the school book sets & uniforms.

All the suppliers have listed their items on

Parents have been provided with multiple payment options e.g. Credit Card, Debit Card, Net Banking & Cash on Delivery (where available) for their convenience.
The purchased items will be shipped directly to your residence ensuring a comfortable & smooth experience for all.
The online sales will be available to parents throughout the academic year and all returns will also be handled directly through the website.

To select the school products, please visit the website @ select Gujarat – Baroda – Podar International School - Vadodara (CBSE)-Submit.
For more information on the ordering process, please visit the FAQ page.

In addition, if the parents would require any additional assistance, staff & computers will be available at the school campus between 9.00 am – 11.00 am on 27thMarch 2017 – 3rd April 2017  (excluding 01st April 2017 as it is an ‘Open house day’) to help the parents place their orders online.

Kindly note that the above facilities are only for the convenience of our parents & children and is totally optional for parents. There is no binding of any kind to buy from above website &suppliers.

Warm Regards,
Ms. Shalini Bhatt-Acting Principal

PIS -Vadodara

Thursday 9 March 2017

STD-VII-Revision Question Bank

Question Bank Cycle Test – 4 (2016-17)

Std: VII

Subject: English

1.                      Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:

Bees are flying insects that feed on nectar and pollen. They are usually yellow and black and covered in fuzzy hair that makes collecting pollen easier. A bee’s body is similar to that of other insects – for instance, an ant

– with three major sections: the head, the middle section called the thorax and the last section called the abdomen.

The head of a bee has five eyes for seeing and two antennae for touching and smelling. Two sets of wings and three sets of legs can be found on a bee’s thorax. Depending on the type of bee, the last set of legs might have little sacs that store the pollen that the bee has collected from flowers. Many types of bees have stingers. The bee stinger is the most feared part of a bee, and for good reason. Filled with poison, the stinger is a bee’s protection from danger. The stingers are around 12 millimeters long. There are over 20,000 known bee species in the world. The best known is probably the honeybee.

Honeybees live in beehives, which have a distinct order that helps things run smoothly. At the bottom of the totem pole are the workers. Workers are young female bees. Some of their main duties include going out to find food (nectar and pollen), building the hive, and keeping it clean. Honeybees will travel up to eight miles if necessary to find nectar and pollen to bring back to the hive. Worker bees are actually the only bees that ever do any stinging. When this does happen, it is usually because they are trying to protect their hive from harm. A bee rarely stings when it is away from the hive, but it might sting if it senses danger. The lifespan of a worker bee is anywhere from 4 to 9 months.

i.          What is a bee?

ii.          How is a bee similar to an ant?

iii.          What evidence from the passage supports that different bees in a hive

have different duties?

iv.          Which bees are probably the least important bees in a beehive? Why?

v.         Why do the worker bees sting?

vi.          What can be found on a bee’s thorax?

vii.          What is the bee’s stinger filled with?

viii.          What is the lifespan of a worker bee?

2.                      Read the following passage carefully.

1.      Aaron shivered at the bottom of the summit as a cool breeze rushed by him. The moon was still in the sky but lowered each minute to make room for the sun in the early hours of the morning. He tilted his head back to view the highest point of the peak—he could hardly imagine himself and his friends at the top. Jordan was one of the best climbers in the group and had agreed to lead the crew of five up to the top of Cadillac Mountain in Acadia National Park, the highest peak on the eastern Atlantic coast, and one of the first places to see the sunrise in the United States.

2.      “Everyone, let’s get moving! We don’t want to miss the sunrise!” Jordan called out from the front of the pack. Patty, Aaron, and Patty’s two friends picked up their pace and followed Jordan’s orders, each walking in silence. Aaron fell to the back of the group to take in his surroundings—the blanket of deep green trees below, the gray rocks that formed a jagged line across the horizon, and the blue of the sky, brightening with each passing minute.

3.     Finally, out of breath, the group reached the top of the peak. Jordan checked her watch. “Its 5:53, just five minutes before sunrise,” she said. Patty took a seat on the rocky ground. “I can’t believe we’re really here,” she whispered. Everyone sat beside her and waited to watch the sun peek above the horizon. When it did, they all let out a gasp. A bright, illuminated orange ball rose above the horizon, seemingly rising out of the ocean. The group remained silent as the sky changed colours, the orange from the sun blending with the blue hues of the sky, then forming pink streaks, casting purple shadows on the sea of clouds.

2.1        Answer the following questions briefly:

i.           Who was Jordan? What had he agree to?

ii.           How did the crew members react when Jordan called out from the front of the pack?
iii.            Describe the sight that the group saw when they reached the top of the peak.

2.2        Choose the most appropriate meanings for the words given from the options provided:
a.           tilted (Para 1)
i.         furry
ii.        bent
iii.      short
iv.     scanty

b.           jagged (Para 2)
i.         similar
ii.        normal
iii.      even
iv.     d) uneven

c.           illuminated (Para 3)
i.         burnt
ii.        darkened
iii.      lighted up
iv.     d) dull

d.           blending (Para 3)
i.         touching
ii.        mixing
iii.      colouring
iv.     d) catching

3.                      Writing:

a.               You are selected to deliver a speech on the sports day of your school.

Write a speech on ‘The hazards of ill-fitting shoes’.

b.               You are Ashmit/Asima Verma, a reporter. Write a report about the 2015

South Indian floods.

c.                Your vacations have begun and your parents are out of station. You are left at home along with your grandmother. You decide to play a game with your grandma. Write a short story about the game you played with her.
d.               You are a member of the Student Council Committee of your school trying to raise money for a new facility for your school (e.g. a swimming pool, sports hall, computer room, theatre). Write a letter to former students of your school to persuade them to donate money towards the project.

e.                Look at the pie chart given below. Interpret the data and write a report on the books read by you in 2012.

Short stories, 1%

Youth fiction
Non-fiction, 22%

Graphic novels, 4%

Adult fiction
books, 28%

f.                  You visited many places in India this summer. You saw the things you never thought existed in India which made it an incredible experience for you. Write a diary entry on your idea about India.
g.               You parents recently organized a party for your birthday. Write an e-mail to the hotel manager explaining why you were pleased with the hotel’s service along with some suggestions for improvements.

4.                      Grammar

Transform the sentences as given below: Transformation of sentences

a.               Stella is a pretty girl. (transform to exclamatory)

b.               The knife is not blunt. (transform to affirmative)

c.                I was doubtful of your sincerity. (transform to negative)

d.               The trip is very expensive, ____________? (add question tag)

(i)     is it?

(ii)    isn’t it?

(iii)  is the?

(iv)isn’t the?

e.                The car isn't in the garage, ____________? (add question tag)

(i)     is it?

(ii)    isn’t it?

(iii)  is the?

(iv)isn’t the?

Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions:


a.               The flight from Leipzig to London was _______ Frankfurt.

i.         about

ii.        along

iii.      via

iv.     in

b.               _______ my wall, there are many picture postcards.

i.        At

ii.       On

iii.     Onto

iv.    Into

c.                Who is the person _______ this picture?

i.        at

ii.       in

iii.     on

iv.    to

d.               Come _______ the sitting room, we want to watch TV.

i.        at

ii.       in

iii.     into

iv.    to

e.                Munich lies 530 meters _______ sea level.

i.        above

ii.       across

iii.     past

iv.    before

Fill in the blank with an appropriate conjunction:


a.               __________ he was very ill, he didn't take any medicine.

i.         Although

ii.        And

iii.      But

iv.     Or

b.               She went to the shops __________ couldn’t find anything that could fit her needs.

i.         since

ii.        but

iii.      where

iv.     or

c.                Keep quiet __________ go out.

i.         so that

ii.        or

iii.      but

iv.     since

d.               Everybody likes him __________ he is nice and helpful.

i.         since

ii.        although

iii.      or

iv.     because

e.                __________ he was angry with her, he didn't utter a word.

i.         And

ii.        But

iii.      Although

iv.     So

Do as directed for the questions given below:


a.               How many commas should the following sentence contain?

My estate goes to my husband son daughter-in-law and nephew.

i.         one

ii.        two

iii.      three

iv.     four

b.                Which option has the correct punctuation for this sentence: will your dad drive us to the museum or shall we take a bus

i.             Will your dad drive us to the museum, or shall we take a bus?

ii.             Will your dad, drive us to the museum, or shall we take a bus?

iii.             Will your dad drive us to the museum or, shall we take a bus?

iv.             The sentence is correct as it is.

c.                Which of the following sentences is correctly punctuated?

a.     Only three social science disciplines are represented at our college - psychology, sociology, and anthropology.
b.     Only three social science disciplines are represented at our college: psychology, sociology, and anthropology.
c.     Only three social science disciplines - psychology, sociology, and anthropology - are represented at our college: .
d.     All of the above sentences are punctuated correctly.

i.         a

ii.        b

iii.      c

iv.     d

d.               Which of the following sentences is correctly punctuated?

a. The student wrote that "Each of the experiments was successful." b. The student wrote that, "Each of the experiments was successful." c. The student wrote that each of the experiments “was successful”. d. The student wrote, "Each of the experiments was successful."
i.         a

ii.        b

iii.      c

iv.     d

e.                Which of the following sentences is correctly punctuated?

a. After studying the problem for several years, the college worked on a plan to address it.
b. After studying the problem, for several years the college worked on a plan to address it.
c. The college, after studying the problem for several years, worked on a plan to address it.
d. All three sentences are correctly punctuated with commas.

i.         a

ii.        b

iii.      c

iv.     d

From the given alternatives, choose the most appropriate sentence that best suits the given sentence in Indirect or Direct Speech.

Direct and Indirect Speech

a.               I said to him, “Why are you working so hard?” i. I asked him why he was working so hard.

ii.             I asked him why had he been working so hard.

iii.             I asked him why was he working so hard.

iv.             I asked him why he had been working so hard.

b.               Kiran asked me, “Did you see the cricket match on television?”

i.             Kiran asked me whether I had seen the cricket match on television.

ii.             Kiran asked me whether I had saw the cricket match on television.

iii.             Kiran asked me whether I saw the cricket match on television.

iv.             Kiran asked me did I see the cricket match on television.

c.                The tailor said to him, “Will you have the suit ready?”

i.             The tailor asked him that he will have the suit ready.

ii.             The tailor asked him if he will like to have the suit ready.

iii.             The tailor asked him that he would had the suit ready.

iv.             The tailor asked him if he would have the suit ready.

d.               He said to the interviewer, “Could you please repeat the question?”

i.             He requested the interviewer to please repeat the question.

ii.             He requested the interviewer if he could please repeat the question.
iii.             He requested the interviewer to repeat the question.

iv.             He requested the interviewer if he could repeat the question.

e.                He said to her, “What a cold day!”

i.             He exclaimed sorrowfully that it was a cold day.

ii.             He exclaimed that it was a cold day.

iii.             He told her that it was a cold day.

iv.             He exclaimed that it was a very cold day.

Fill in the blanks with the correct option.

Words often confused
a.               Ritesh applied for his _________________________ visa last week.


b.               I __________________ to eat something now. (need/necessity)

c.                Avinash _____________________ his children to eat only healthy food.


d.               The teacher ______________________ that all the students completed their work. (insured/ensured)
e.                Vikas gets a good ________________. (salary/wage)

Fill in the blanks with the correct Homographs, Homophones or


Homographs, Homophones and Homonyms

a.               The bandage was wound around the ________________. wound

b.               Get up my ________________. (sun / son). son

c.                ________________ desires in our village to become a ________________. (nun

/ none)

None, nun

d.               The band will record a new ________________. record

e.                Please ________________ (pray / prey) for me. pray

Change the voice:

Active/passive voice

a.               Sahil Sharma makes tea.

b.               My father loves me.

c.                We admire him.

d.               Savita does not like me.

e.                My friends are watching the match.

Choose the correct form of the verb that agrees with the subject. Subject Verb Agreement
a.               Several students ______________ the answer.
i.         is knows

ii.        is know

iii.      know

iv.     know

b.               Others ___________ not read the chapter.

i.         are

ii.        is

iii.      has

iv.     have

c.                Either her brother or her parents _____________ Sania’s address.
i.         have

ii.        were

iii.      is

iv.     has

d.               John and his brothers ___________ going to the mall.
i.         is

ii.        was

iii.      are

iv.     has

e.                Everyone __________ to take the Economics class.
i.         was
ii.        has
iii.      have
iv.     were

Fill in the blanks with the correct adverb
a.               They play an ______________ fast game.
i.         very

ii.        frequently

iii.      extremely

iv.     nearly

b.               I have __________________ enough time to finish.
i.         often

ii.        hardly

iii.      openly

iv.     almost

c.                The weather has been cold ______________.
i.         soon

ii.        yearly

iii.      lately

iv.     twice

d.               I have _______________ finished reading the book.
i.         never

ii.        nearly

iii.      therefore

iv.     now

e.                The afternoon passed _________________.
i.         often

ii.        once a week

iii.      almost

iv.     quietly

5.       1.Read the extract and answer the questions that follow.

“If music be the food of love play on... Give me too much of it, so I’ll get sick of it and stop loving. Play that part again! It sounded sad. Oh, it sounded like a sweet breeze blowing gently over a bank of violets, taking their fragrance with it.”
a.     Who is the speaker?

b.     Who do you think the speaker is in love with?

c.      Find the word from the passage which means ‘having little impact’.

2.                Read the extract and answer the questions that follow.

A major portion of water on the planet is saltwater, unfit for use by the human, plant and animal population. Only a silver of that portion is fit for drinking. Most of it too exists in the form of glaciers.
a.     Where is most of the drinking water?

b.     In what form does a major portion of drinking water exist?

c.      Find the synonym for ‘unfit’ from the passage.

3.                Read the extract and answer the questions that follow.

“Personally I think an otter’s life would be rather enjoyable,” continued

Laura; “salmon to eat all the year round, and the satisfaction of being able to fetch the trout in their own homes without having to wait for hours till they condescend to rise to the fly you’ve been dangling before them; and an elegant svelte figure—”

a.     Why is the life of an otter enjoyable?

b.     Why did Laura want to be reincarnated as an otter?

c.      Give the meaning of the word ‘fetch’.

4.                Read the extract and answer the questions that follow.

‘A loaf of bread,’ the Walrus said,

‘Is what we chiefly need: Pepper and vinegar besides Are very good indeed –
Now if you’re ready Oysters dear, We can begin to feed.’

a.     What were the things that the Walrus needed?

b.     What did the oysters thank the carpenter for?

c.      Find two pairs of rhyming words from the above stanza.

6.                      Answer the following questions in 30 to 40 words each.

1.                Twelfth Night

a.     What did Orsino want the musicians to do?

b.     What had Viola heard about Orsino?

c.      How does the Duke react to the news brought by Valentine?

d.     With whom is the Duke in love?

e.      What was Viola’s wish?

2.                Desalination

a.     Why was Parv forced to read the article?

b.     What is the most cost-effective energy source?

c.      What will happen if the wasted salt solution is dumped back in the ocean?
d.     What are the two methods of desalination?

e.      What are the advantages and disadvantages of desalination?

3.                Laura

a.     What was Laura’s opinion of Egbert?

b.     How did Laura take revenge on Egbert after he made a fuss over the collie puppies?
c.      Who was behind the destruction caused in Egbert’s garden?

d.     What made Amanda think that Laura was reincarnated as an otter?

e.      What did Laura say about dying?

4.                The Walrus and the Carpenter

a.     Why did the Walrus and the carpenter weep?

b.     What did the carpenter complain about?

c.      Why is the moon found to be sulking?

d.     What did the Walrus want the oysters to do?

e.      What was the intention of the Walrus and the Carpenter?

5.                The Charge of the Light Brigade

a.     What is the poet trying to refer to as the ‘Valley of Death’?

b.     What weapons are used against the soldiers?

c.      How does the poet urge us to regard the Light Brigade?

d.     Why are the soldiers riding to their death?

e.      What was the price paid for the blunder?

7.                      Answer the following questions in about 60 -80 words.

1.                In the novel, ‘Around the World in Eighty Days’, why do you think Aouda forgives Mr. Fogg?
2.                In the novel, ‘Around the World in Eighty Days’, do you think Mr. Fogg’s method of taking over the ship is justified? Why or why not?

3.                In the novel, ‘Around the World in Eighty Days’, describe the tension that the members of the Reform Club experience before the end of the wager in your own words.
