Monday 6 March 2017

Geography- Life in Temperate Grasslands (Extra Questions)

Geography- Life in Temperate Grasslands (Extra Questions)

1. Where are Prairies located?
It is located in both the USA and Canada.

2. Analyse the climate of the Prairies.
Prairies is situated in the interior of the continent, the region experiences a continental type of climate - hot summers and colder winters with extreme temperatures that is, severely chilly winters and scorching summers.

3. Who were the original inhabitors of the Prairies? Name some tribes.
The Prairies were originally home to the Red Indians who were primarily hunter-gatherers. It was home to tribes such as Apaches, Crows Crees and the Pawnees.

4. Which railroad had contributed to the development of the Prairies?
The transcontinental railroad has contributed majorly to the development of the region.

5.  What do occupation people practice in the ranches?
In the ranches people practice mixed farming, that is, along with farming they rear different animals for milk and meat.

6. Name the major rivers of the Prairies.
Saskatchewan River and its tributaries are the most important life-giving force of the Canadian prairies, while in the USA Mississippi, Missouri, Ohio and Dakota Rivers drain the region.

7. Where are the veldts located?
The temperate grasslands of South Africa are referred to as the Velds or Veldts meaning ‘field’ in Dutch.

8. Analyse the climate of the Veldts?
Due to the presence of oceans on three sides, the region experiences mild climatic conditions. Summers are short, warm and wet, while the winters are long and dry. July is the coldest month. December and January are the hottest months. Maximum rain occurs during the summer months.

9. Who originally inhabited the veldts?
Originally the Velds were inhabited by the Bantus, Sans and KhoiKhois who sustained themselves through hunting-gathering and farming.

10. Describe the transportation system of the veldts region.
The region has an excellent network of road, rail and airways connecting all major towns. However, the rivers in the region are not navigable.

11.  Give reason - Rise of wool industry in the Velds.
Rise of wool industry in the Velds because people sheep rearing is the most important occupation of people living there. Sheep are bred mainly for wool and also Merino sheep is a popular species there whose wool is very warm.

12.  Describe the people and their activities in the velds region.
 The people of this region are involved in the following occupation:
a) Dairy farming: This is the next important occupation. Cattle are reared in the warmer and wetter regions and the dairy products like butter and cheese are produced both for domestic supply and exports.

b) Mining: The velds are rich in mineral wealth. The mining activity includes coal, iron, gold and diamond. Johannesburg is called the ‘gold capital of the world’. Kimberley is famous for its diamond mines.

c) Agriculture: In places where the soil is fertile, crops are grown. The main crops are maize, wheat, barley, oats and potato. Cash crops like tobacco, sugarcane and cotton are also grown. In many places, the soil is not very fertile due to the presence of discontinuous grasses exposing barren surface.

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