Monday 6 March 2017

History- Magnum Opus of Medieval India (Extra Questions)

History- Magnum Opus of Medieval India (Extra Questions)

1. What was the striking feature of medieval India?
A striking feature of the medieval Indian period was the emergence of numerous regional languages.

2. Why was Sanskrit an important language?
Sanskrit continued to be the language of writing and higher learning. Philosophers such as Shankaracharya,
Ramanuja, Vallabhacharya, etc. wrote in Sanskrit.

3. How did the Bhakti saints enrich Marathi literature?
The Bhakti saints enriched Marathi literature to a great extent. Dnyaneshvara, Namadev, Eknath, Tukaram,
Ramdas, etc. helped the development of Maratha literature.

4.  What is the cult of Lord Jagannath?
The religious tradition of a region gave rise to a distinct regional culture like the Cult of Lord Jagannath at Puri, round whom the religious life of Odisha has evolved.

5. What genre of music developed in north and south India?
North India, a distinct genre of classical music called Hindustani music developed while in South India, Carnatic music evolved.

6. Which instruments did the Turks introduce?
The Turks introduced new form of instruments such as the rabab and the sarangi.

7. What did the arrival of the Turks do for the development of music in medieval India?
The arrival of the Turks introduced new elements in Indian music which was profusely influenced by rich Arab, Iranian and Central Asian tradition of music and they not only introduced new form of instruments such as the rabab and the sarangi but also new musical modes and scales.

8.  How have all these various cultures influenced art forms in medieval period?
The foreign influence has brought about a change in a way the art forms was perceived. They influenced and patronized the art forms in medieval period and bought about a change in the art form by inculcating their own unique style.

9. Name the two school of kathak.
Kathak developed in two schools or gharansthe Jaipur and the Lucknow.

10. What are miniature paintings?
Miniature paintings are small sized paintings generally done on cloth or paper.

11.  Describe the features of the Pahari school of paintings.
The Pahari school paintings had a bold and intense style of painting and was marked by prolific use of brilliant colours. They were noted for delicacy of line and also known as Basohli painting.

12.  Who ruled Bengal during the fourteenth and sixteenth centuries?
During fourteenth to sixteenth centuries, Bengal was ruled by the Sultans of the Ilyas Shahi dynasty and Hussain Shahi dynasty.

13. What is the meaning of Renaissance?
The word Renaissance literally means rebirth.

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