Monday 6 March 2017

Civics- Brand, Advertising and Democracy (Extra Questions)

Civics- Brand, Advertising and Democracy (Extra Questions)

1. What is an advertisement?
An advertisement is a public announcement of good features of a product which will prompt the consumer to buy it.

2. Define advertising.
The technique through which the product is brought into the public eye for the purpose of making the people buy it, is known as advertising.

3.What is a brand?
A brand is a particular name or sign of a product made by a particular company to differentiate it from other similar products in the market.

4. Analyse brand value?
Brands create brand values through innovative advertisements, in which they use attractive words and visuals. These advertisements attract the consumer and they buy the product that appeals to them the most.

5. What is one major effect of advertising on social values?
One of the major effects of advertising on social values is the promotion of a materialistic way of life.

6. What is advertising?
An advertisement is a public announcement of good features of a product which will prompt the consumer to buy it.

7. What does the advertising agency first do while making an advertisement?
The advertising agency first creates a consumer profile, that is, identifies the people who would be using the product.

8. Name the two types of advertisements.
commercial and non commercial advertisements.

9. What is a commercial advertisement?
Commercial: Commercial advertising deals with products and services. It is primarily aimed at consumers to
persuade them to buy certain products or avail of some services.

10. Can you explain two ways in which you think advertising affects issues of equality in a democracy?
 Two ways in which advertising affects issues of equality in a democracy:
(i) It only focus on the lives of the rich and famous and forget about the issues of poverty, discrimination and dignity.
(ii) Advertising tends to promote a certain lack of respect for the poor as in a democracy, all people are equal and should be able to lead a life of dignity.

11.  What does democracy and advertising emphasise?
Democracy emphasises equality of all the citizens of the country but advertising tends to uphold the affluent sections of society and makes the poor appear downtrodden.

12. Mention some of the disadvantage of advertising?
People get attracted to false claims made by advertisers. People tend to buy more products that they can use. This is known as consumerism. Children are badly influenced by advertisements.

13.  Mention any one advantage of advertising.
Advertising helps to promote products and services. It educates people about different issues like deforestation, family planning etc. 

14. What role advertisements play in our lives?
Advertisements play a big role in our lives. We not only buy products based on them, but often, having certain brand products influences the ways in which we think about ourselves, our friends and our family. It is, therefore, important to know how advertising works and understand what it does before we choose to buy the products that advertisements sell. We need to be able to critically understand why they use particular images, the personal emotion that they are appealing to and the ways in which this affects how we think about ourselves when we use the product or are not able to buy it.

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