Monday 6 March 2017

Geography- Life in Desert Region (Extra Questions)

Geography- Life in Desert Region (Extra Questions)

1. What is a desert?
A desert is defined as an area that receives less than 25 centimeters of rain per year.

2. Where is the Sahara desert located?
Sahara desert is located in the South African continent.

3.  What is the extent of the Sahara Desert?
Its extent is about 8.54 million sqkm.

4.  Name some of the distinct features of the Sahara landscape.
The Saharan landscape comprises a number of distinct physical features such as gravel
plains, plateaus, bare rock-strewn surface, depressions and oasis.

5. Analyse the climate of the Sahara Desert.
The climate is extremely harsh and dry with majorly fluctuating temperature range. At times summer temperatures cross 55°C and winter temperatures fall below freezing point. The rainfall received is scanty.

6. How have the plants adapted to the desert climate?
The plants have long roots, waxy leaves and spines and fleshy stems.

7. How is the climate in the Sahara desert?
Harsh climate with extreme heat in the day time and cold at night.

8. How do you think people cope with such extreme climate (Sahara)?
The people wear long dresses, keep their heads covered, drink a lot of water.

9. Why do people in the Sahara wear long robes?
People wear long loose clothing that covers them from head to toe as this protects them from the harsh desert extremities.

10. Name some of the important cities in Sahara.
Cairo in Egypt, Nouakchott in Mauritania, Hassi Messaoud, Ghardaia in Algeria, Timbuktu in Mali and Faya
in Chad are some of the important cities in the region.

11. How has the traditional route of transportation changed in the modern times?
The traditional camel caravans have been replaced by truck convoys over the same routes.

12. Where is Ladakh located?
Ladakh lies in the Himalayan ranges and is the northernmost part of India.

13. What type of region is Ladakh?
Ladakh is a cold arid region and is often referred to as ‘Moonland’ or ‘the Broken Moon’.

14.  Where is Ladakh nestled?
It is nestled safely within the Himalayan and Karakoram ranges.

15. What does the Indus River do?
The Indus River infuses life and hope into its civilization.

16.  Analyse the climate of Ladakh.
Ladakh is extremely cold and dry. The Sun shines very brightly and even during summers the day temperature stays a few degrees above zero and the night temperature drops well below -30°C. It receives less than 10 cm rainfall annually.

17. Name the trees found in Ladakh. 
Pencil cedar, yew, elm, cypress, poplars, willow and juniper are some of the commonly found trees. 

18. Which place is the administrative headquarters of Ladakh? 
Leh being the administrative headquarters is connected to Kashmir Valley by Zoji La pass.

19. Name the trees that grow in Ladakh.
Trees that grow in Ladakh are Groves of willows and poplars, fruit trees such as apples, apricots and walnuts bloom.

20.  What are the products derived from animals of the Sahara desert and their uses?
 In the Sahara desert, animals such as sheep, goats, camels and horses are reared for the following purposes:
  • Milk
  • Hide: These are used to make leather for belts, slippers and water bottles.
  • Hair: This is used to make mats, carpets, clothes and blankets.
21. Describe the flora and fauna of Ladakh.
Because of extreme dryness, the vegetation is sparse. There are scanty patches of grasses and shrubs for animals to graze. The valleys have groves of willows and poplars. During summer season, trees of fruits such as apples, apricots and walnuts bloom. Several species of birds such as robins, redstars, Tibetan snowcock, raven and hoopoe are common. Some of these are migratory birds. The animals include wild goats, wild sheep, yak and special kinds of dogs. The animals are reared to provide milk, meat, hide and hair.

22.  Describe the people and infrastructure of Ladakh desert.
The people here are either Muslims or Buddhists. Many Buddhist monasteries dot the Ladakhi landscape with their traditional ‘gompas’. The people of this region resemble the people of Tibet and Central Asia.
  • Cultivation activity: In the summer people are busy cultivating barley, potato, beans, peas and turnip. In the winter months, due to the harsh climate, people keep themselves engaged in festivities and ceremonies. The women in this region manage small business and shops; in addition to working in the house and fields.
  • The people of Ladakh have over centuries learnt to live in harmony with nature. Due to the scarcity of resources, they understand their value and conserve them. They do not waste the resources and use them very judiciously. Due to modernization, the life of the people is undergoing a change.
  • Infrastructure: Leh, the capital of Ladakh is well connected by road as well as air. The National Highway 1A connects Leh to Kashmir Valley through the Zoji la Pass.

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